Intentional P.R.O.s Masterclass
Learn about how to apply the PROs (Person, Rules and Operations) to your business to accelerate growth and development.
Module I: Self-Esteem (Person - Who I Think I Am)
Food For Thought
What Is Self-Esteem?
The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem
Pillar I - The Practice of Living Consciously
Living Consciously Inventory
Pillar II - The Practice of Self-Acceptance
Self-Acceptance Inventory
Pillar III - The Practice of Self-Responsibility
Self-Responsibility Inventory
Pillar IV - The Practice of Self-Assertiveness
Self-Assertiveness Inventory
Pillar V - The Practice of Living Purposefully
Living Purposefully Inventory
Pillar VI - The Practice of Personal Integrity
Personal Integrity Inventory
Module II: Habits (Rules - Who I Choose To Be)
Module III: Processes & Systems (Operations - Who I Function As)
Food For Thought
What Are Processes & Systems?
Getting Things Done: Three Key Principles
Key Principle I - The Power of The Collection Habit
Collection Habit Exercise
Key Principle II - The Power of The Next-Action Decision
Next-Action Decision Exercise
Key Principle III - The Power of Outcome Focusing
Outcome Focusing Exercise
After 13 years of law practice and my first year of business consulting, the Intentional Professionals philosophy of the P.R.O.s was born. My philosophy is based on a combination of heavy observation, small business ownership experience, academic and self-study.
Meet Your Instructor
Founder and CEO, Intentional Professionals
What you’ll learn
Who I Think I Am
Who I Choose To Be
Who I Function As
Course FAQ
This course was originally designed for entrepreneurs and corporate professionals seeking personal and professional development. Women may specifically benefit due to the confidence gap.
Ideally, you will be able to reflect on how you arrived at the point in your career or business that you are now to help you to move toward the next level. Partaking in not only the videos but also the exercises covers the basics. However, reading the source material books will add another dimension to your results.
No. Because everyone’s experience prior to the course is different, that will impact the time needed to reflect and work through the material. It’s best to take your time and approach the course multiple times as needed