Seeing Growth In Business Through Visualization
Visualization. Typically in business this means the representation of an object, situation, or set of information as a chart or other image (hello, charts, graphs and scatterplots). There is also the type of visualization that is more commonly associated with spirituality and metaphysics à la Law of Attraction (or good old-fashioned imagination). That's the one I'm here to encourage you to use in your professional life. It's a bit like getting a new eyeglass prescription. Okay, maybe you aren't the woo woo type but perhaps consider the manner in which mental visualization can actually cause you to think, feel and act differently. These changes can also lead you to new levels of success when you learn how to:
Use positive reinforcement
Get ahead of failure
Focus on solutions
Our brains are remarkable. We can feel as if we have experienced something by seeing, reading or hearing it. Our dreams feel real sometimes and so can our conscious thoughts and daydreams. The beauty is that we can create a great deal of these experiences. And what we like we can consume over and over again. For business success we can make a habit of visualizing successful outcomes for our projects, promotions, client meetings, campaign launches, pitch presentations, etc. This habit can create a positive feedback loop in the mind. This loop primes us for coming out on top and having the confidence in ourselves to achieve anything that we desire. In The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem, Nathaniel Branden defines self-esteem as self-efficacy + self-respect. He states that "[s]elf-esteem is the disposition to experience oneself as competent to cope with the basic challenges of life and as worthy of happiness (internal locus of control v external locus of control)". Reinforcing this one statement could serve as an affirmation that has the power to change how you view yourself and your life. It will cost you nothing but a little time but the ROI is worth it.
Yes, you read that correctly. No, it does not mean that everything will always work. Especially when you take the attitude that there is no failure because either you succeed or you learn. So, how does one "get ahead of failure"? One way is to create a blueprint for success. This is as simple as visualizing an event, step-by-step, in as much detail as you can. Real studies have shown that athletes and surgeons are more successful when they mentally practice prior to their main event. With that kind of evidence, it's hard to believe that every profession does not require visualization as standard operating procedure. The other added bonus to creating your blueprint for success is that you will also be reducing your levels of anxiety and fear related to your real life performance. Fear and anxiety tend to show up when we are confronted with unknown circumstances. However, once we have embraced habitual visualization of our endeavors, everything becomes familiar. So, it turns out that practice doesn't really "make perfect"-- it makes us comfortable.
When you visualize habitually, you become aware of the many ways that you can approach a problem. Problems can have multiple solutions but you have to be open to them. Spending the time to visualize gives you the opportunity to explore your problems instead of being burdened by them. You can then be creative and curious when seeking which solution you will choose. Visualization gives you options and options give you freedom. Isn't that better than feeling trapped when you are full of anxiety and fear and then feeling forced to go with the first solution you can find? Problems are guaranteed to show up but so are solutions when you are able to harness this power that you possess.
If you want to try something new but need support in the form of an accountability partner, Intentional Professionals is available to assist you. Book a Strategic Consultation today.